October 13, 2011 - Speaker Series
"The Idea of Italy in Dante's Divine Comedy"
(On the occasion of the 150th celebrations of Italian Unification)
Professor Elio Costa, York University
This year Italy celebrates 150 years as a nation state. To recognize this event, the Institute of Italian Studies - Lakehead Univesity is presenting through its speaker series several lectures on Dante Alighieri to be given by Dr. Elio Costa of York University. (see accompanying poster for details)
Elio Costa is a Dante scholar. He is an engaging and enthusiastic speaker. If you have never read Dante's Divine Comedy you will want to do so and, if you read the Divine Comedy in the past, you will want to do so again in light of Professor Costa's comments.
The Institute of Italian Studies - Lakehead University invites you to attend one or all of the sessions listed on the poster. Admission is free! Join with us in celebrating this special year in Italy's history by becoming aquainted with Dante Alighieri, one of the world's literary giants.